6,075 miles  in 2016


We drive around the U.S.A. Exploring Gun Shows, Gun Shops, Firearms Museums and Collections We will feature new Gun Shops & our Adventures on our Daily Gun Show Podcast, You Tube Videos, Gun Channels & our Gun Websites

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Thanks to all who have made this such a success !!

Post your suggestions for the Gun Show Loophole Tour !!

Gun Show Loophole Tour 2016 “Donuts”

3-Flavors of PVC, Velcro Backed Patches !!!

To raise funds for new tires & some improvements on the Van
and bring some cool patches to trade along the way.

(Grab a dozen for your Local Gun Cub, Volunteer Range Officers,
Shooting Team, Hunting Buddies,  Gun Shop, Etc)

Glutin FREE  Non-GMO

Tour Goals

Firearms are much more than just a topic for political debate.
The 2016 election year is the perfect time for an honest look at firearms in the U.S.A. through the collectors, gun shops, museums and gun shows around the country

We will travel across the United States, sharing facets of the firearms owners experience

We will;

  • Seek Out & Share Firearms Stories in the USA
  • Visit and review interesting, local Gun Shops
  • Explore & set up at Gun Shows all over the U.S.A.
  • Share interesting Guns & Firearms Collections
  • Visit & promote Firearms Museums & Historic Locations
  • Interview Gun Rights Organization reps and interesting firearms industry & community individuals
  • Tour Manufacturers, Importers & Distributors
  • Encourage others to participate & contribute to 2nd amendment efforts

Backers & Perks

We are interested in assistance finding & contacting all the best gun shops, museums, gun shows and ranges along our way

We welcome financial help with Gas & Food Here is how we will break down the perks & contributions.

Those who participate can decide where their funds will be used & backers will get a custom patch (or coin) in return for their support:

  • $5   – “Gas Money”, Thank You
  • $25 – “Buy Us Breakfast”, Feed the Crew & Get a Patch   All Gone !
  • $25 – “Feed the Dog”, Support the Puppy & Get a Patch   All Gone !
  • $25 – “Van Pit Crew”, Help with Repairs, Oil, Tires, etc & Get a Patch
  • $25 – “Tour Tech Support”, fund internet, cameras, software & Get a Patch
  • $100 – “Call Shotgun”, help us upgrade the van &  Get a fancy Patch
  • $100 – “Gun Show Table”, help us with table fees at shows &  Get a fancy Patch

Suggest a stop on the tour

  • $50 – Featured Gun Shop
  • $50 – Featured Gun Range
Limited Edition Coin
  • $75 – Tour Coin (only 10 will be made) ALL GONE !!

Funding Goals

We plan to set up at gun shows along the way, selling our patches, decals & other merchandise. We will welcome any financial assistance and plan to use it to fund the trips expenses.


  • $0 – $3,000 FUNDED All funds will be used for gas & trip expenses
                           (Gas, Food, Hotel, Entrance Fees)
  • $6,000 When we reach this goal, we can upgrade the Tires, Engine & Drivetrain
  • $7,500 + This will fund van upgrades like solar, mobile internet, etc

Expected Results

We will document our adventures on multiple platforms with various content:

  • Our daily LIVE show & podcast
  • Daily blogs & new articles on our websites devoted to Gun Shops, Gun Shows & Firearms
  • You Tube Videos
  • Photographs on IG, Gun Channels & our websites
  • We will update and expand our maps & event calendars
  • GunChannles.comYou TubeiTunesFacebookInstagram & more

We will: 

  • Travel across the country
  • Add to our growing list of Gun Shop & Gun Show Visits and Reviews
  • Discover, Promote & Share Firearms Museums
  • Raise awareness of Recreational & Sport Shooting
  • Seek out U.S. firearms history
  • Share interesting private firearms collections
  • Visit & Tour Firearms Manufacturers, Importers & Distributors
  • Attend Machine Gun Shoots & other Shooting Events


The list of locations we plan to visit (this list will grow)

  • Bannerman Castle, New York
  • J.M. Davis Firearms Museum, Oklahoma
  • NRA National Meeting, Kentucky
  • Smithsonian Collection, D.C.
  • NRA Museum, Virginia
  • New NRA Museum, Missiouri
  • Dayton Air Museum, Ohio
  • NORAD, Colorado
  • Real Surplus Stores
  • Interesting Gun Shops
  • As many Gun Shows as possible

Risks & Challenges

We will travel, how long we are able to continue will be a factor of how interested people are in our adventures. Risks are few for this campaign

  • We will make or have made all the rewards (patches & coins) so there is no risk of not receiving them
  • The duration & scope of our travels will be determined by the success of this campaign

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people can’t contribute, but they can still help a lot
If this project is something you would like to see happen,

  • Please help to get the word out & make some noise about this campaign.
  • Use the social media share tools above to share our campaign

Thank You

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