Gun Shops All Week, Gun Shows on Weekends

An honest look at firearms in the U.S.A. through;
Gun Shows, Gun Shops, Firearm Museums & Gun Collections

The Goal of the Gun Show Loophole Tour
– Sharing the firearms owners experience, as we travel across the United States

More About the Tour

Gun Shows & Gun Shops across the USA

2018 Tour

  • SHOT Show 2018
    (900 miles)
  • California 2018
    5 Gun Shops
    (1,300 miles)
  • Tulsa 2018
    5 Gun Shops
    (3,000 miles)
  • GRPC 2018 Tour
    47 Gun Shops
    (6,500 miles)

Past Tours

2017 Tour

’86 Chevy G-30

  • 11,000+ miles
  • 18 States
  • 43+ Days on the road 
  • 61 Gun Shops
  • 9 Firearms Museums
  • 11 Gun Shows (in 6 states)

2016 Gun Show Loophole Tour

  • 6,075 miles 
  • 5 States

2015 Las Vegas Machine Gun Rental Tour

  • Machine Gun Rental Ranges
  • Gun Shops

2012 Armed Across America Tour

  • 16 States
  • 21 Days
  • 40+ Destinations
  • 6,000+ miles

2010 North Carolina & Utah Tours

  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • NRA Show – North Carolina

2009 Tours 

  • NRA Show
  • Tour of Gunsite Training Center

2001 Road Trip

  • Washington D.C.
  • FishinAZ
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